8 Ball Umpire

World EightBall Pool Rules

Breaking the Balls

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(1) The Object Balls are racked as shown with the Eight-Ball on the Spot.
(2) In the absence of any competition / tournament rules to the contrary, a coin will be tossed or players will ‘lag’ to determine which player will break.
Rules for the ‘lag’

The winner of the toss or lag shall decide who will break first. If a series of frames is to be played (A Match), the break of each subsequent frame will alternate.

(3) The first shot of a frame is called the “Break”. To “Break”, the Cue Ball is played at the triangle of Object Balls from Baulk. The frame is deemed to have commenced the instant that the Cue Ball is played.
(4) (a) The Break will be deemed a “Fair Break” if:-

(i) At least one Colour is potted.
(ii) Four Object Balls (at least) are driven to a cushion.
(b) If the Break is not a Fair Break it is a Non-Standard Foul and:-
(i) The opponent is awarded two visits.
(ii) The balls are re-racked.
(iii) The opponent re-starts the game and is under the same obligation to achieve a Fair Break.

Standard Fouls

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Standard fouls are to be called by the referee as soon as they occur and the fouled player is in control, until all balls from that shot come to rest. The referee then awards two visits to the opponent.
(1) Potting the Cue Ball – “In Off” { except on a Fair Break – see (F) The Break (4)(c)(1) }
 The incoming player plays from Baulk { see (E) Playing from Baulk (d)(1) }
(2) Playing from outside Baulk when obliged to play from Baulk. { see (E) Playing from Baulk (2)(a) }
(3) Potting an opponent’s ball.  
 (except, when it is the properly nominated ball following a Foul Snooker or Foul Jaw Snooker)
(4) Playing out of turn. {A player who plays a shot immediately after playing a foul or immediately after the referee has called a foul on that player, has played out of turn.
(5) Accidentally striking the Cue Ball with any part of the cue other than the tip.
(6) Accidentally striking an Object Ball with any part of the cue or cue tip.
(7) Playing a shot before all balls have come to rest from the previous shot.
(8) Playing a shot before any balls that require spotting, have been spotted.

Foul Snooker

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(1) Definition:  When an opponent plays a foul shot and this results in the incoming player being snookered, the incoming player is deemed to be Foul Snookered.
(2) If a player believes that a Foul Snooker exists, the player may ask the referee for a ruling.
(3) If the referee rules that a foul snooker exists, the player initially has the following options:-
 (a) Play the Cue Ball from where it lies. {see (4) (a) below}
 (b) Ask the referee to remove the Cue Ball so as to allow the player to play from Baulk. {see (4) (b) below}
(4) (a) (i) If the player chooses to play the Cue Ball from where it lies, the player may, if the player wishes, nominate the Eight Ball (but see (5) below) or any one of the opponent’s Colour.  The player can nominate a particular ball by verbal description of it or its position or by pointing at it.  The Referee may ask for further information if any doubt exists as to which ball has been nominated.
  (ii) Once nominated, a ball is deemed to “become one” of the player’s Colour for the first shot of the first visit.  The player may then play any of the player’s own Colour or the nominated ball. If any of the player’s Colour and/or the nominated ball is potted, the player continues with the first visit.
 (b) If the player chooses to play the Cue Ball from Baulk, a Foul Snooker may no longer exist.  In this case the procedure under the heading (E) Playing from Baulk (2) (d) & (2) (e) should be followed.  If the referee decides that a Foul Snooker does still exist, the player may nominate a ball and follow the procedure in (4) (a) above.

Total Snooker

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(3) Exceptions:
(a) On the Break, the conditions of a Legal Shot do not apply. {See (F) The Break}
(b) When playing out of a Total Snooker a player is only obliged to meet the conditions of (1)(a) above.
i) Definition: A player is in a Total Snooker when it is impossible to play any part of any of the player’s own Colour by way of a “straight line” shot. Leaving an opponent in a Total Snooker is not a foul.
ii) If a player believes that a Total Snooker exists, the player may ask the referee for a ruling.
iii) If the referee rules that a Total Snooker exists, the player’s obligations under the “Legal Shot” rule are relaxed as follows: – The player need only cause the Cue Ball’s initial contact to be with a ball “On”. The requirement to pot a ball and / or cause a ball to strike a cushion is waived.
iv) In a Total Snooker, the straight sections of the cushions DO come into consideration. If a player has to strike a cushion prior to impact with a “ball on”, then a “Total Snooker” does exist.
(4) Interpretations:
(a) If the Cue Ball’s initial contact is with an Object Ball that is touching a cushion, simply forcing that Object Ball into the same cushion does not constitute a Legal Shot.
(b) If the Cue Ball and an Object Ball are touching the same cushion, simply forcing the Cue Ball and / or that Object Ball into the same cushion does not constitute a Legal Shot.

Stopwatch 60 30

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Defaults can not be changed

Time = 60 Seconds

Warning = 30 Seconds

Countdown = 5 Seconds

Alarm = 0 Seconds

Extension = 30 Seconds

Sound, Vibrate and Extension can be turned on and off in “Settings”.

Stopwatch 40 20

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Defaults can not be changed

Time = 40 Seconds

Warning = 20 Seconds

Countdown = 5 Seconds

Alarm = 0 Seconds

Extension = 20 Seconds

Sound, Vibrate and Extension can be turned on and off in “Settings”.

Stopwatch 45 15

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Defaults can not be changed

Time = 45 Seconds

Warning = 15 Seconds

Countdown = 5 Seconds

Alarm = 0 Seconds

Extension = 15 Seconds

Sound, Vibrate and Extension can be turned on and off in “Settings”.