H Deciding Colours
(1) General (a) When Colours have not been decided the table is deemed to be “Open”. When the table is open a player may play at either group of Colours. (b) Colours can never be decided on a foul shot. (c) Once Colours are decided, the player remains “On” that coloured group for the duration of the frame. The opponent remains “On” the opposite coloured group. (d) Playing a shot after neglecting to nominate a choice of Colours is a Standard Foul. Any balls potted on such a shot are left in the pocket and ignored for the purpose of deciding Colours.
(2) On the Break (a)If no Colours are potted on the break the table is “Open”. (b) If one or more Colours are potted on the break the player then has a right and obligation to verbally advise the referee of a choice of Colour before proceeding. Failure to do so is a Standard Foul. If a player is fouled under this rule the opponent faces an “Open” table. (c) (i) If the player nominates a Colour that was potted on the break, the player is on that colour no matter what happens next. (ii) If the player nominates a Colour that was not potted on the break, to be on that Colour, the player must pot a ball of that Colour on the next shot.
(3) After the Break (a) If a player pots one or more balls of the same Colour, the player is then “On” that Colour. (b) If a player pots one or more balls of different Colours, the player then has a right and obligation to verbally advise the referee of a choice of Colour before proceeding. Once a colour is nominated in these circumstances, the player is on that colour no matter what happens next. Failure to nominate is a Standard Foul. If a player is fouled under this rule, the opponent faces an “Open” table.