(1) Any ball that falls into a pocket at any time, without being struck, shall be replaced by the Referee to its original position, no penalty. Time will be re-started and the player in control continues with the visit.
(2) Should any ball fall into the pocket after a shot is played and before balls come to rest, providing the fallen ball played no part in the shot, once all other balls have stopped moving, it shall be replaced as described above. (a)If a legal pot was made play continues with the same visit. (b)If no pot was made play continues with the next visit. (c)If a foul was made then the next player will continue with the appropriate penalty.
(3) Should any ball fall into the pocket after a shot is played, but before balls come to rest, and the fallen ball would have been struck, then the Referee will replace all balls to their original positions (a) If no infringements of the rules were committed during the shot, or if the cue ball is potted as a result of a ball falling that the cue ball would have otherwise hit, the player who played will replay the shot or may play a different shot (b)If any foul was committed (other than as defined in a) above) then the next player will continue with the appropriate penalty.