(1) If any balls are moved during a frame:- (a) By a person other than the players taking part in the frame or, (b) As a direct result of one of the players being bumped or, (c) Due to any other event deemed outside the players’ control such as:- (i) “An Act of God” such as an earthquake etc (ii) Tip falling off a cue or end falling off a spider etc, the referee will replace the balls as near as possible to the positions they were in before the incident occurred, no penalty shall be imposed on either of the players and the frame shall continue.
(2) (a) The referee will prevent any unauthorised marking of the table. If a player causes a block of billiard chalk or other foreign matter to be on any part of the table it is not a foul. However, the referee will ensure that the item is removed. (b) If a player repeatedly causes a block of billiard chalk or other foreign matter to be on any part of the table the referee may deem that the player has breeched the Spirit of the Game and award the frame to the opponent. (c) Exception to (a) above: – A cigarette or beverage container. {see (K) Standard Fouls (10)}